Please note TYSON is a RWD foster dog.
TYSON is a medium-sized, male, Border Collie X Heading puppy, aged 7 months.
Is TYSON used to children? Yes.Is TYSON used to cats? Don’t know.
Is TYSON toilet-trained? Yes.
Is TYSON used to stock? Yes.
Is TYSON used to chickens? Don’t know
How well does TYSON get on with other dogs? Great.
Tyson is fostered in Auckland
Sweet, intelligent, and energetic, Tyson is a quick learner who already figured out toilet training, crate training, and basic commands.
Great recall and social skills with dogs and people. Loves fetch, playtime, and would excel in agility.
Tyson’s enthusiasm means he will need to either be trained as a working dog or have good boundaries around stock. He was bred to work, so he would want to be with stock if he gets the chance.
Seeking an active owner for Tyson’s next chapter, perfect for someone looking for a loyal companion and agility partner or working mate.
Tyson has been fully vaccinated, microchipped, flead and wormed and will be adopted on a desexing agreement. He has an adoption fee of $350 and, as with all of our foster dogs, we’ll require a vet reference and property inspection prior to adoption.
If you’re interested in adopting Tyson, please fill in our adoption form here:
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We have added this facility to help volunteers when preparing displays, leaflets or flyers. You can now print any "Dog for adoption" ads in a standardised format, that gets the main information across. If you have any questions about using or improving this facility, please get in touch.