About Buster:

Buster is a medium-sized, male Heading Dog, aged 1 year old.


Much loved, affectionate and loyal 1 yr old heading dog, Buster, is in search of a forever, primarily non-working, home.

Is Buster used to children? No.
Is Buster used to cats? Don’t know.
Is Buster toilet-trained? Don’t know.
Is Buster used to stock? No.
Is Buster used to chickens? No.
How well does Buster get on with other dogs? OK.
Buster lives in Ashburton, .
A bit about Buster’s personality:

Buster gets on great in our dog team and is happily bonded with us. Unlucky for Buster though, he had a bad start with kids, and they stress him out. Quite separate to this, Buster has his father’s tough working gene (hard on sheep and lambs). As he’s a keen and fast learner, with already a great training base, we’d simply stick with him (he was Mike’s pick from the litter). As we’re farm workers on a new farm though, we don’t have the luxury of giving Buster the time, extra training and space he needs and deserves. Given his youth and happy biddable nature, we believe his early bad experiences should be straightforward to turn around – with positive, consistent training. We’re of the mind too, that Buster’s best talent and best life may be as an active, trained companion cum lifestyle pet.

Buster is fully vaccinated and has regular worm and flea treatments. His re-homing will be conditional on being registered, chipped and de-sexed, which we’ll help arrange. To ensure the best start and smooth move, a meeting and transition prior to any trial will be coordinated, hence a home within Canterbury is sought.
If you’re possibly the special person for our special youngster, we’d love to hear from you.
NB: we have an excellent video which shows how well Buster’s doing overall, for just a young fella 😊

About me:

My name: Anne Capon.
My e-mail address: anne@freedadogg.nz.
My phone number: 0274575111


All Retired Working Dogs adverts are posted in good faith. We generally do not know the advertisers and/or their dogs and have not fact-checked their advert. We are therefore also unable to answer questions about the dog advertised, so please contact the advertiser directly. If you feel that an advert is incorrect then please get in touch with us.