About Buster:
Buster is a medium-sized, male Huntaway X, aged 1 year old.
Description:Buster is a Huntaway x.
He was adopted as a working dog but is not a working dog. He loves people and is great with other dogs.
He is best suited to a life as a pet, NOT around stock. He chased and mauled a sheep so has no idea about stock. He is very athletic and would definitely suit agility or someone who is outdoorsy.
Is Buster used to cats? Don’t know.
Is Buster toilet-trained? Yes.
Is Buster used to stock? No.
Is Buster used to chickens? No.
How well does Buster get on with other dogs? Great.
Buster lives in whanganui, North Island.
A bit about Buster’s personality:
He is full of energy and loves people. He is great with other dogs and is at the bottom of the pack.
About me:
My name: Michelle.
My e-mail address: brassmonkey98@gmail.com.
My phone number: 0223156554
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