About Cap:

Cap is a medium-sized, male Heading Dog, aged 9 years old.


I got Cap off my dad who retired. Cap had been in the same team of 6 for several years – eventually down to 3 of them. I’ve had Cap about a month. He’s so loyal, sticks with me. Runs alongside the bike and learning to ride on the quad.

When it’s me, Cap and my Huntaway we get on well but our wider team of dogs he’s struggled finding his place and there’s a few issues. Cap has so much energy for a 9yo because he’s cruised last few years. But he must go to a home where he’d be the only dog – a smaller block but still working. I don’t have a great photo but have a couple videos of him following cattle. I can’t whistle so have struggled to get him to work for me but he knows when help is needed and will do his own thing and saves the day (newbie here!).

Unsure about kids, cats and chickens.

Is Cap used to children? No.
Is Cap used to cats? Don’t know.
Is Cap toilet-trained? Don’t know.
Is Cap used to stock? Yes.
Is Cap used to chickens? No.
How well does Cap get on with other dogs? Not friendly.
Cap lives in Gisborne, North Island.
A bit about Cap’s personality:

Loyal, friendly. Not really a greaser for pats and cuddles.

About me:

My name: Melissa Bennett.
My e-mail address: melissa.bennett@hotmail.co.nz.
My phone number: 068635017


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