About Chewy:

Chewy is a large, male, Hunting โ€“ Pig Dog puppy, aged 2 months.


Chewy is an energetic puppy who has unfortunately had an injury, he has recovered very well with careful monitoring, but continuing high impact or rigorous activity would put him at risk for on-going issues. He is a beautiful, intelligent and loving pup, he has been raised with other animals and kids. He will need someone knowledgeable who can help him maintain a healthy weight and give him gentle to moderate exercise. He is not stock proof as he is a puppy, he will need full training. He lives outdoors. He is vaccinated, with regular flea and worming.

Is Chewy used to children? Yes.
Is Chewy used to cats? Yes.
Is Chewy toilet-trained? Don’t know.
Is Chewy used to stock? Don’t know.
Is Chewy used to chickens? Yes.
How well does Chewy get on with other dogs? Great.
Chewy lives in Kaitaia, North Island.
A bit about Chewy’s personality:

Energetic and cheeky

About me:

My name: Ameya Grice.
My e-mail address: ameyapleiades85@gmail.com.
My phone number: 094084838


All Retired Working Dogs adverts are posted in good faith. We generally do not know the advertisers and/or their dogs and have not fact-checked their advert. We are therefore also unable to answer questions about the dog advertised, so please contact the advertiser directly. If you feel that an advert is incorrect then please get in touch with us.