About Gus:

Gus is a large, male Huntaway X, aged 9 years old.


Gus is a Huntaway X, he is 9 years old.

Is Gus used to children? Yes.
Is Gus used to cats? Don’t know.
Is Gus toilet-trained? Don’t know.
Is Gus used to stock? Yes.
Is Gus used to chickens? Yes.
How well does Gus get on with other dogs? Great.
Gus lives in Hunterville, .
A bit about Gus’s personality:

Gus is a very well natured Huntaway X, Gus has worked his whole life but his owner thinks it is now time for him to find his forever home. Gus has developed a little bit of hip arthritis in his back leg so now is the time for him to move into more of a relaxed life (retirement) Gus is very gentle when he meets new people and will happily spend his day socialising with other dogs on the farm. He is great with other dogs. He loves a trip to the river or a walk/run often. It’s important he stays active in his new home to maintain weight and keep him stimulated. He sleeps in a kennel in the evenings but will spend majority of the day sitting on the porch in his bed admiring everything around him. He has never ran away from me and i have him untied most of the day.

He has had no experience living and being around children and chickens but i don’t think this will be an issue for him at all.

About me:

My name: Alex.
My e-mail address: alexandermeads17@gmail.com.
My phone number: 027 3577702


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