About Jed:

Jed is a medium-sized, male, Heading Dog puppy, aged 10 months.


Jed is a loyal and sweet heading dog. This friendly boy is both a loving companion and eager worker, making him an ideal pet or farm helper. Jed has shown great interest in sheep and has a natural balance, so he would thrive in a home where he can work alongside you if you have the time. Jed injured his back leg as a young pup which doesn’t bother him or cause any pain but he will occasionally carry it when he’s thinking about it. Jed is 10 months old and comes with a solid recall but otherwise a blank slate, ready for you to shape as you like. Due to a change in circumstances, I unfortunately no longer have time to bring him to his full potential.

Is Jed used to children? Yes.
Is Jed used to cats? Don’t know.
Is Jed toilet-trained? No.
Is Jed used to stock? Yes.
Is Jed used to chickens? Yes.
How well does Jed get on with other dogs? Great.
Jed lives in Ashburton, .
A bit about Jed’s personality:

Loyal, friendly and just loves attention

About me:

My name: Darcy Gleeson.
My e-mail address: gleesondarcy@gmail.com.
My phone number: 0272412665


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