About Margie:

Margie is a medium-sized, female Huntaway, aged 1 years old.


Margie, is a very friendly active young dog. She would suit a lifestyle block, active young person or active family, she loves attention and walks and would make a lovely pet. She is obedient off the lead and goes well on a lead also. She was purchased for sheep work, but shows little interest and doesn’t bark a great deal. In different circumstances i.e as a solo dog she may progress and become a loyal companion, but we have a large team. Margie is currently an outside dog.
We would love Margie to find a forever home as she is such a lovely wee dog 🐕

Is Margie used to children? Yes.
Is Margie used to cats? Don’t know.
Is Margie toilet-trained? Don’t know.
Is Margie used to stock? Yes.
Is Margie used to chickens? No.
How well does Margie get on with other dogs? Great.
Margie lives in Ashburton, South Island.
A bit about Margie’s personality:

Margie is friendly and inquisitive, she is fairly lively, but not over the top, she enjoys interacting with people. She is pretty much a blank canvas and would make a lovely pet.

About me:

My name: Kate Griffiths.
My e-mail address: kate@alpinepastures.co.nz.
My phone number: 0272058083


All Retired Working Dogs adverts are posted in good faith. We generally do not know the advertisers and/or their dogs and have not fact-checked their advert. We are therefore also unable to answer questions about the dog advertised, so please contact the advertiser directly. If you feel that an advert is incorrect then please get in touch with us.