About Moya And Nel:
Moya And Nel are medium-sized, female, Collie X Heading Dog puppies, aged 3 months.
Description:These pups are currently in foster in Invercargill. They are crate trained and mostly house trained and used to farm life having spent their first three months on a farm where they were well cared for. They spend their days playing together and also get on well with other dogs. They are people-focused, food focused and intelligent. They’ve learnt several basic commands in just a couple of days! Moya (black and white) is chill, confident, obedient and loves people. Nel is confident, extremely bright, into everything and could even have the makings of a great agility dog.
The puppies will be wormed, vaccinated, desexed, registered and chipped and the adoption agency will require a property inspection and council check before adoption.
Is Moya And Nel used to children? Yes.Is Moya And Nel used to cats? Yes.
Is Moya And Nel toilet-trained? Yes.
Is Moya And Nel used to stock? Don’t know.
Is Moya And Nel used to chickens? No.
How well does Moya And Nel get on with other dogs? Great.
Moya And Nel lives in Invercargill, South Island.
A bit about Moya And Nel’s personality:
Please see description
About me:
My name: Anna Groszewski.
My e-mail address: annagros1958@gmail.com.
My phone number: 0220458469
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