About Oak:

Oak is a medium-sized, male Heading Dog, aged 6 years old.


Oak is a long haired tri coloured heading dog. He was a clever mainstay and great at his job. Unfortunately due to being hit by a car he cannot carry on as a farm dog. He has no broken bones nor is he in any pain. However he sustained a spinal cord injury that effects his running abilities particularly on rough terrain. He can still get about and loves playing with other dogs. He needs to be rehomed as a pet or small lifestyle block where he could do some small stock shifts

Is Oak used to children? Yes.
Is Oak used to cats? Yes.
Is Oak toilet-trained? No.
Is Oak used to stock? Yes.
Is Oak used to chickens? Yes.
How well does Oak get on with other dogs? Great.
Oak lives in Cave, South Island.
A bit about Oak’s personality:

Happy and playful

About me:

My name: Mark.
My e-mail address: marktangney15@hotmail.com.
My phone number: 0278640904


All Retired Working Dogs adverts are posted in good faith. We generally do not know the advertisers and/or their dogs and have not fact-checked their advert. We are therefore also unable to answer questions about the dog advertised, so please contact the advertiser directly. If you feel that an advert is incorrect then please get in touch with us.