About Pippa:
Pippa is a medium-sized, female Heading Dog X, aged 3 years old.
Description:Pippa is a gentle and kind softy. She’s always searching for a pat, sliding her nose into your hands or nudging under your arm.
Pippa is a high energy dog with a keen eye on stock however lacks any formal training. She does have a good recall. She would love to live somewhere with a small amount of stock she could help with but would also make a fantastic family pet. She is incredibly patient with children. She’ll let them pat her, play with her ears, you name it! Pippa would suit an active family who love long walks, bike rides or running. She has spent her life as a pet who lives on working farms tagging along with the working dogs.
Is Pippa used to cats? Don’t know.
Is Pippa toilet-trained? Yes.
Is Pippa used to stock? Yes.
Is Pippa used to chickens? Yes.
How well does Pippa get on with other dogs? OK.
Pippa lives in Culverden, .
A bit about Pippa’s personality:
Gentle, sweet, soft. Pippa will do anything for affection. She is quiet in a kennel and is good to tie up if needed. She does tend to be submissive to other dogs. She likes to herd chickens and eye up stock. She does not jump fences. She has the nicest temperament but does love to chase a hare.
About me:
My name: Amelia Ingell.
My e-mail address: acai.ingell@gmail.com.
My phone number: 0211433620
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