About Tess:

Tess is a medium-sized, female Huntaway X, aged 8 years old.


Tess is 8 years old, Huntaway x Border Collie.

Is Tess used to children? Yes.
Is Tess used to cats? Yes.
Is Tess toilet-trained? Yes.
Is Tess used to stock? Don’t know.
Is Tess used to chickens? No.
How well does Tess get on with other dogs? Great.
Tess lives in Nelson, .
A bit about Tess’s personality:

Super loving and cuddly dog. Happy to relax in the sun or run around at the park or beach. She is used to living inside and sleeping on bed or couch.
Has lived with cats and around a baby/ toddler who she is very gentle and tolerant of.
She will bark when anyone enters the property until they give her a pat.
Loves other dogs, will run off to say hello off leash unless recalled immediately.
Would be best suited to a property with an area to run around and regular walks/ outings and plenty of cuddles.

About me:

My name: Zoe.
My e-mail address: zoeinnz@gmail.com.
My phone number: 02041154992


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