About Aki:

Aki is a medium-sized, female Collie/whippet, aged 9 years old.


Aki is a fit, healthy collie/whippet cross from a farm in Murchison who didn’t work out for her job but is perfect as a pet, great company and very easy, needs to be where her person or people are, including inside when you are.

Is Aki used to children? Yes.
Is Aki used to cats? Don’t know.
Is Aki toilet-trained? Yes.
Is Aki used to stock? Yes.
Is Aki used to chickens? Yes.
How well does Aki get on with other dogs? Great.
Aki lives in Lyttelton, .
A bit about Aki’s personality:

Aki is incredibly gentle, sweet, patient, loving, and the easiest dog ever. She came to me thru RWD after she didn’t work out in her jobs. Perfectly house trained, uses a dog door if you have one. She dearly loves her walks, which sadly I can’t take her on any more, which is the reason she needs a home where she will get walks, including preferably off lead at least a few times a week— she loves the beach, in the hills, at a big dog park, etc— and she has perfect recall. No annoying habits like barking, chewing things up etc. She’s fine left alone but she needs to be inside, her whippet parentage means she doesn’t deal well with cold. She’s perfectly healthy, no issues at all.
She’s not been around cats here but will be okay if introduced. She keeps possums away from my many fruit trees and rats away from the compost. She’s met chickens and been fine with them but it’s been a while so introduction will be good. She did the Kiwi/weka Aversion course and passed with flying colours. She knows lots of commands and useful words, I can give you a list.
If you want a loving, loyal, sweet, responsive dog and you can take her for some outings, Aki will give you tons of love.

About me:

My name: Larkin Summer.
My e-mail address: larkinbsummer@gmail.com.
My phone number: 033289080


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