About Bo:

Bo is a large, male Huntaway, aged 2 years old.


Bo is a large black and tan Huntaway.
He comes to his name and whistle.
He is working in yards but needs more training, his bark is slightly high pitched.
Unfortunately Iā€™m unable to put in the time that he needs.
Bo has just been registered, and is up to date with vaccines. He is in top health.

Is Bo used to children? Yes.
Is Bo used to cats? Yes.
Is Bo toilet-trained? Don’t know.
Is Bo used to stock? Yes.
Is Bo used to chickens? No.
How well does Bo get on with other dogs? Great.
Bo lives in Winton, Southland, South Island.
A bit about Bo’s personality:

Bo has a big personality and likes to be the centre of attention. He also has a very likeable nature.

About me:

My name: Stephen Harris.
My e-mail address: steveharriswcc@gmail.com.
My phone number: 02102672312


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