We are hugely grateful for all the support that we receive from such a wide variety of people and businesses. We are also delighted that so many farmers have embraced the idea of giving their “mate” a new life in retirement.

We have numerous people who prefer to remain anonymous who make donations of their time, money and dog-related items. To many of these people what they do seems small, but to us it all adds up into something so much bigger.

We have a number of corporate sponsors to whom we are really grateful. They are:

Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

Bronze Sponsors

New Supporters always needed

Please choose an amount. Remember you can set up an AP for regular payments. Our donations are now tax deductible! Registered Charity Number CC55572.

If you are unable to pay by credit card for whatever reason, please select the โ€œOffline donationโ€ option and we will guide you through making a manual bank transfer. Thank you.

frm RWD donation
Payment type
Billing Address *
Billing Address

In order to make a donation, we ask that you please follow these instructions:

1. Make a bank transfer to “Retired Working Dog Adoption NZ”, Account Number: 03 0725 0001027 000.

2. Please include your name as a reference so that we can identify the payment.

All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible.

All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible.