About Ace:

Ace is a medium-sized, male Border Collie aged 3-years-old.


Hi, I’m Ace. I’m an exceptional 3-year-old border collie boy, living on a farm in Gisborne.

When you walk up to me, my big fluffy tail starts swinging madly.

First thing in the morning, I also do this funny jump… where I put my front legs up, then my back legs – like a horsey buck.

I’m great with the cats in my home and I’m even wonderful round my farmer’s chickens.

I’d really like pats from my feathered friends. I’ve tried everything to make it happen!

I’ll sit by them and wait… then show them my belly. They don’t get the hint though!

I’m a guy that’ll follow you anywhere. My farmer says I have the cutest wee smile. I’ll stare up at you and show my little sharp teeth.

And I absolutely ADORE my farmer’s young daughter. We’re great mates.

I love all children. My farmer says I’m “like a little nanny.”

I’ve never been the greatest working dog. My farmer thinks I’d be much more suited to PET life.

So, she’s hoping to find me the BEST of homes – one where I can “be loved and important to someone.”

When I’m behind cattle I’ll bark, but in my kennel I’m very quiet and well mannered.

My farmer thinks I’d be happiest in an active town home. Remember, I’m a young guy that needs decent exercise each day though.

And if I get a good-sized walk in the morning, I’ll be happy enough, in my own company, while you head to work.

I currently live with a team of working dogs, and we all get along great.

I just slot in with my crew.

Since I’m so human orientated though, my farmer would love me to lap up all the attention as a solo doggy.

My favourite thing in my day is the view where I live. My farmer often catches me sitting there quietly – like an old man before my time –looking around and taking it all in.

I’m such a good boy in so many ways.

If people come to my home, I welcome them in! I’ll expect a pat of course – that’s the condition.

I also love the water. I’m yet to visit the beach, but I take every opportunity to jump in the river for a swim.

And I know toys too. My farmer gave me a squeaky one recently. I thought it was scary at first, but I love it now!

And I’m a big fan of food – “a little piggy” according to my farmer.

She and I will be so sad to say goodbye, and she’ll be picky about where I go. She wants only the best for her boy.

She’s hoping to trial me, in my new home, so you and I can be sure we’re the right fit.

We live in Gisborne but my farmer would be happy to transport me to Bay of Plenty, as she travels there often.

She’d really love to hear updates on how I settle in with my new family.

And she wanted me to let you know that I’m not fixed.

So, if you’d love a little nanny, with a beautiful smile, in your life, why not choose me?

Is Ace used to children? Loves them.
Is Ace used to cats? Yes. Lives with them.
Is Ace toilet-trained? No.
Is Ace used to stock? Yes.
Is Ace used to chickens? Yes. Needs pats from them.
How well does Ace get on with other dogs? Great.
Ace lives in Gisborne
A bit about Ace’s personality:

I’m a big goof ball that LOVES children.

About me:

My name: Storm Tuhoro Keefe.
My e-mail address: stormtuhorokeefe.stk@gmail.com
My phone number: 0273486015


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